5 Reasons Why Vintage Jewellery Appeals to Modern Customers

Reasons Why Vintage Jewellery Appeals to Modern Customers

A Journey through the Eras ….

Vintage refers to anything at least 20 years old, while antique refers to anything at least 100 years old.

Art Deco and Art Nouveau from 1890 to the mid-1930s, are two of the most important jewellery style periods in history.

Art Nouveau celebrates elegant curves and more emphasis is placed on settings rather than the gemstone itself.

Art Deco consists of sharp angles and geometrical shapes with the centre precious gemstone as the focus.

The Retro era sets in after the war, where the designs ranged from the romantic and fluid to the dramatic and geometric. Some jewellery pieces straddle more than one period and contain influences from several.

In a world where anyone with enough money can buy jewellery of the latest fashion, vintage jewellery has become the contemporary solution to setting you apart.

Let’s dive into why stylish women are warming to the allure of jewellery from decades past.

Vintage Jewellery

The Allure of Vintage ….

The Context and Back-Story

The craft of vintage jewellery dictates a tale of romance and legacy and the embedded stones give an added intrigue to their story. This sets them apart from modern new jewellery, and justifies their value, making vintage jewellery desirable.

A vintage ring is a confident choice that pours a strong sense of beauty and sentiments. The combination of story, distinction and personality that is inherent to the craft of the jewellery, emanates this soothing energy of things that survived transcendently through the many decades.

Valuable Investment Keepsakes

Besides the appeal and timelessness vintage jewellery possesses, they are also justified as sound investments. For conventional commodities, the value drops with its age. This works in reverse with jewellery.

As jewellery ages and becomes an antique, its value can hold or even increase. Some antique and vintage jewellery is worth more than the value of its casing and stones because each piece is unique and it cannot be duplicated using modern production methods.

Vintage jewellery is a valuable keepsake that you can pass down to your next generation.

Vintage Yellow Gold Motif Bracelet

A True Craftsman’s Work

Handcrafting is in vogue as designers realise the artisanal value of the handmade as well as its potential to arrest the hitherto unsustainable consumerism of fast fashion. Mass-produced jewellery is a modern invention.

Most modern jewellery today is cast while vintage jewellery was almost always hand-made or at the very least hand-finished. The historic artistry did not involve mechanics, but the artisan’s sparkling mosaic of creativity and imagination.

The craftsmen who created handmade vintage jewellery dedicated meticulous handcraft to every aspect of the process, particularly with pieces that have intricate openwork or complex stone settings.

That many have their original settings still in place after half a century, is a testament to the skill of the craftsman who produced it.

Art with a Distinguished Beauty

The allure of vintage jewellery does not just lie in their relic essence. It is that art of the past had the chance to come to maturity, evoking a unique flavour. The mass production today leaves little time for authentic styles to evolve and flourish. Vintage styles keep us grounded and so we do not lose our footing in the fast fashion.

The younger millennial generation these days crave for distinguished personal goods. Their individualism and drive for self-expression make them embrace styles that are realized by these age-old techniques where no two pieces look alike.

With the whiff of rebellion in the air, vintage accessory is a popular choice for their carefully curated individualistic ensemble. It is the pursue for liberation that the millennials are finding unique things outside the conventional system and making it their own.

Not every individual can change the world but we can change the conversation with our community.

Ethical Jewellery and Sustainability

You can go down the vintage route to effectively recycle a piece of jewellery. Vintage jewellery is fine jewellery that is recycled in its entirety. Their classical design retains their beauty, making them highly sustainable.

Vintage jewellery is the means of reducing the environmental and labour impact of production on the planet.

Our Jewellery ….

ValueMax is a trusted jeweller that deals with vintage pieces. We are the experts, so we can examine and validate the jewellery’s quality for you. Touting jewellery designs from every era and style, we focus most on vintage rings, including unique styles you have not seen elsewhere.

We offer both new jewellery as well as vintage styles, backed by over 40 years of experience in the jewellery industry. Financing plans are available using credit card.

VISIT your nearest valuemax now

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